
This exquisite eagle is richly detailed using special contouring effects to create a realistic expression of feathers and the sense of the flag waving in the wind. This design was digitized with the intent of using a black background to achieve maximum impact of the design details.The effects will differ based on the the background color of your fabric as you can see in the sample comparisons on black and gray.

It can however be stitched on any color fabric , though white is not recommended due to the sheer contouring which allows the background to show through. The white area of the flag will not be highly defined on a white fabric. For maximum impact darker color fabrics / garments are recommended for this design.
For even more realism and impact try using a brown/ dark brown twist thread on the brown feathers. Twist threads can be found at Superior Threads. Click HERE to visit. I am not affiliated, just want to share where you may find this thread. For the head feathers a cream /white variegated thread will also enhance the realistic effect.

This design was based on / inspired by the eagle of Doodle Pantry, with permissions for my own creative input. Doodle Pantry allows personal and craft use only of it's images.