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Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Hi Michelle, I have rectified my full mailbox situation and thank you! I have the design and have already sew it out ..... gorgeous! I am sure I will use it many times. I have made a snap purse/bag for my grandaughter ... thanks again ...Soozie
Rosalee S
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Michelle I would like you to know that I just finished stitching out the heart and the angel and they are fabulous!! Absolutely gorgeous designs! Such a talent! I truly appreciate the hard work, dedication and talent that you put into your designs. Your work is amazing. Thank you. I will send pictures when I get the projects done. Hugs and blessings, Rosalee
Jean Siu
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Thank you so much for digitizing the cute doll patterns for me to use with my children's therapy sessions at the hospital Your facial design and clothing applique really brought the dolls to life! They stitched out with out a problem and they were done quickly! I love them!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Michelle....I am stitching these bookmarks out left and right....they are soooooo pretty....thank you again for your talent.....have no idea what to charge for them at the craft show but I sure won't give them away....take care...
Sonya in VA
Monday, May 7, 2012
Alanson, MI
Michelle, Your designs are such a joy to stitch out. They are perfect in every detail. The kids love the whimsical designs and I just love all of them. Your work is spectacular, keep them coming!
Paulette C
Friday, April 20, 2012
Here's a picture of my Clip n Go. I stitched it out of denim - all stitched great. I did add a small pocket with velcro closure and put the 2nd loop on the inside for keys. I was happy with the way it stitched out. Thanks for the great price on this in the hoop project.The directions were Great and Easy 2 follow !
Sharon S
Monday, January 9, 2012
Sarasota FL
My grandsons are big into lizards and snakes, so I know they will be thrilled with your Basilisk Lizard!
Jane Fasano
Monday, January 9, 2012
I did not expect a Welcome gift (for the newsletter sign up). Thank you ! I am so glad I found your site.
Ellen Jantz
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Michelle: I am so excited about the Christmas Leg Lamp design. I try to embroider sweatshirts for my daughter and her family every Christmas.When I asked her what I could embroider for her husband for Christmas, she said it would be great if I could find the leg lamp from A Christmas Story. That is a huge Christmas movie favorite of his. I tried to find one before Christmas but I never did. I never did do the sweatshirts before Christmas, but I think I will now! I have already purchased it & downloaded it! Thanks also for the freebies & I look forward to doing more business with you. Have a wonderful 2012.
Janet Ross
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Thank you Michelle for this wonderful design! I love your unique and beautiful designs and have some wonderful ideas for using them - now to find the time! Have a wonderful holiday season and a great New Year!
Janet Ross
Kathleen Talley
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Michelle...Thank you so much for digitizing the beautiful "face" design for me. She is exactly what I needed. I just love it and I use it often. The "face" design stitches out great every time and all the brides that receive my gift tell me they just cant bare to take the ironing board bride apart. It has become my signature gift. I am looking forward to using more of your designs in the future. Good luck with your new website. Thank you, Kathy
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sterling Heights, MI
Michelle! Wonderful designs, keep them coming. I will visit often to see what you have created. I will send you a picture when I get that beautiful fall leaf stitched out.....Thank You!!