Christmas Shoe 5x7

Step out in style for Christmas with this adorable Christmas shoe ! Looking for something different, a little whimsical to dress up your look or make a quick gift, add an element of fashion glam? Imagine this design on a favorite shirt, even that Christmas sweatshirt you've been meaning to make just for fun. Dress up your jeans look for those casual get togethers. Put it on an apron, a tote or even that evening bag that's sure to get you noticed! As every woman knows .... you can never have too many shoes !
Stitch as is. Or just stitch the shoe alone, leaving off the words or add your own. Digitized for minimal jumps .... even the green and white trim of the shoes stitch without jumps other than to switch between the 2 shoes, no need to dread trims here !

Just adorable! Whimsical holiday fun!

Santa Hat purse by Dee ~ Sooo Fun Dee, thank you!
and such fun for that holiday top too!

Even cute in the kitchen!
A perfect gift for the holiday hostess!